The best way to improve your reading level: Read. The best way to become a well rounded person: Read. The best way to pass your AIMS Math test: Read. The best way to escape from reality: Read.

Welcome to the Library



The Fort Thomas High School Library has over eleven thousand books.

Most of the fiction books and many of the non-fiction books are Accelerated Reader (AR) books. See the article at the bottom of this page for more information about the AR program.

Last year, according to AR reports over eleven million words were read using books checked out of the library.


Students may check out up to three books.

Students and parents are responsible for the replacement cost of lost or ruined books.

Students not coming with their teacher must have a permission slip from the teacher, and must sign in, when entering. Students are not allowed to leave without the librarian's permission.


Seventeen computers are available for student use.

As a matter of fact, every day members of the journalism class use the computers to design the yearbook and develop the school newspaper.

Teachers often bring classes to the library to use the computers for research projects and assignment production.

Overdue or Lost Library Books

Overdue fees are not charged. However if a student has a book for a long time, that student must return it as soon as possible. Often others are waiting to read books that are overdue.

Students who lose or return a book too damaged to repair, must pay for the cost of replacing the book.

Library Buiding

Accelerated Reading

All students from the Junior High and High School participate in the Accelerated Reading program. With this program a student reads a book then uses a library computer to take a 10 question quiz about the book. The computer program then keeps track of how many books and words your child has read, your child's vocabulary level/reading level, and the types of books your child likes to read.

Every student visits the library on a regular basis with their English/Reading class. During these visits students turn in books, take Accelerated Reader quizzes, and check out more books.

Each student is taught their individual zone of proximal development (ZPD). Knowing this, helps students choose the right book difficulty. All AR Books have the difficultly level written on the book.

Did you know that the Fort Thomas Eementary school also uses the Accelerated Reading Program? Some students graduate with a list of books that they have read since 3rd grade recorded into the program.

To log in to Accelerated Reader, here is the website:

Book Search

To search our schools' catalog, use the following link to be taken to our landing page for our three libraries. When you click on the school you'd like to search, you'll be directed to a catalog search page.